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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The War of the Worlds Book Covers

Neatorama linked to an on-line showcase of 318 different book covers for The War of the Worlds. Edward Gorey's cover is included.

(Via: Nadia)

Letter V

Joshua Ludd gave me this interjection as part of my original interjections call. I couldn't think of a cartoon character who actually said this, but I thought Peggy Hill would be a good fit. Peggy is a substitute Spanish teacher, and often interjects Spanish (poorly) into conversation.

Thanks, Joshua!

Sunday, October 28, 2007


I closed my books through August, which is good enough for now. As I was working, though, I came to realize that my posters are essentially giant spreadsheets. This actually makes sense, since my MPA was in finance and I worked ten years in budgeting. I find this insight disturbing nonetheless.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Medusa's Feast

This is my second entry for Daniel Radosh's Thanksgiving Cartoon Contest.

Now I really have to finish my accounting.

Thanksgiving Anti-Cartoon

I took a quick break from my bookkeeping to enter Daniel Radosh's Thanksgiving Cartoon Contest. In this contest, he invites participants to submit the worst Thanksgiving cartoon possible. Here is my entry.

Radosh also hosts a New Yorker Cartoon Anti-Caption Contest on his blog every week. This contest is a parody of the real New Yorker contest. I enjoy the anti-contest much more than the real one. What does this say about me?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Please Stand By

For the next few days I will be catching up on the bookkeeeping for my poster business. I will post up pictures of my spreadsheets as I complete them.
All this accounting has reminded me that Bob Newhart once worked as an accountant. He discusses it briefly here.

Warhol on Johns

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Andy Warhol

Monday, October 22, 2007

More Wacky Artists

I watched Dexter last night. Dexter's sponsor is a complete wack job. And of course she's an artist. The Ice Truck Killer was an artist too, if I remember correctly - he told Deborah that he had been to art school before he started making prosthetics.

It's not that I object to the portrayal of artists as eccentric. Art School Confidential is one of my favorite movies, even though it falls apart at the end, and I laughed out loud at Daryl Hannah's performance art piece in Legal Eagles. For Dexter, though, it's just lazy writing to make the eccentric NA sponsor an artist. Sure, it's easy to demonstrate how odd she is by showing us her found-object sculptures of cannibals. To me, though, it would be far more interesting to reveal her darkness through dialogue, and to choose a less obvious profession for her, like, say, an accountant.

Regardless, it is my prediction that Dexter will ultimately kill his sponsor. She seems to understand Dexter, which is dangerous for him. He will probably discover something dark about Lila and use that as justification.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Amish Stuff

We went back to Lancaster County this weekend and saw some Amish Stuff (see above). Here are some highlights. Please note that I intentionally skipped the obvious jokes about Intercourse.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Letter U

I used "Uhhhh" for U. I think "Uh" counts as an interjection. It's close enough, anyway.
I confess that I miss Beavis and Butthead. Here they are as guests on Letterman.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

New Print Run

We just printed another thousand copies of my ABCs of Art poster. This is exciting news, except our small, cluttered apartment just got smaller and more cluttered. My poster inventory and our kids' toys are slowly taking over our entire living space. Bob is determined to reclaim our living room.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

More Moustaches

La Moustache is coming to Brooklyn! This is a show entirely dedicated to mustaches. The show started in Montreal over the summer, and is traveling to Brooklyn for a one-night mustache masquerade party. Here are the Brooklyn details:

When: Friday, November 2, 9PM - LATE
Where: Hope Lounge
10 Hope Street, Btw. Roebling & Havemyer Streets
Williamsburg, Brooklyn
Admission: Free

Prizes go to the most creative mustache disguise!


Elephant Painting

I showed this video to my daughters, ages 5 and 3. My 5-year-old thought it was amazing that an elephant could paint. My 3-year-old thought nothing of it. Her exact response was, "Curious George can paint, too."

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

New Dinosaur

They found the skeleton of a 105-foot plant-eating dinosaur in Argentina. Here is the link to the article. This discovery has really made me rethink my position on logging.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Letter T

I used "Touche!" for T. I'm not really a fan of Tom and Jerry (I prefer Itchy and Scratchy), but Touche Pussycat worked perfectly for this illustration.


I just had a truly awful idea for my Museum of Bad Art submission. I will start working on it after I finish my interjections alphabet.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

LEGO Certified Professional

This man is a professional LEGO builder. How cool is that? Here is his portfolio. Maybe I could commission him to do a life-sized bust of Dexter.

Speaking of Dexter, we just watched tonight's episode. I love that Dexter's feigned drug addiction may save him from Doakes' suspicions. I also liked the detail of the wig stand during Dexter's kill.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Museum of Bad Art

I am determined to have a piece accepted into this museum. I will keep you posted on my efforts.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Letter S

Okay, enough stalling. (Although for what it's worth, my kids own the coprophagous dog toy, and they love it.)

ANYWAY, I drew Sylvester for S. I think "Sufferin' Succotash" may be technically, or at least phonetically, spelled with a TH instead of S, but I used it for S anyway. An interesting fact about Sylvester: he was designed to look like a clown, with a big red nose and baggy pants. Here is the full history.


Barbie And Her Dog Tanner Commercial


1961 Barbie Dolls Boyfriend First EVER Ken Commercial

Tuesday, October 09, 2007


1959 First EVER Barbie Commercial

Monday, October 08, 2007

Schulz and Peanuts

A new biography of Charles Schulz is coming out next week. According to this article, Schulz's family members are upset by the book, and are "shocked by the portrayal of a depressed, cold and bitter man who was constantly going after different women."
Um, I like Charles Schulz, but have these people ever read Peanuts?


We watched Dexter last night. I am pleased that Dexter seems to be back on his game. Which means I am pleased that Dexter was able to kill again. What does this say about me?

Bob finished reading the Dexter books. He liked the first two, but the third was too supernatural for his taste. Specifically, he said "It’s only the third book and the author is so out of ideas that he has to bring up some prehistoric god with a cult of followers who are either trying to kill Dexter or get him to join. I was so disgusted I skipped to the end just to see what happened."

I should probably read the books myself and tell you what I think, but I really don't have time. Instead, here is a clip from last night's show.

Friday, October 05, 2007

Lewis Carroll

I found an on-line copy of Alice's Adventures under Ground. This was an early manuscript of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Carroll hand wrote the manuscript, and included 37 illustrations which he drew himself. He supposedly presented the copy to Alice as a Christmas gift on November 26th, 1864.

Carroll's drawings are not as polished as the Tenniel illustrations, but to me they are far more interesting and in keeping with the character of the story. I especially like the distorted Alices and the Father William illustration (spread #27).

Thursday, October 04, 2007

More Edward Gorey

I learned recently that Edward Gorey illustrated an edition of The War of the Worlds. I ordered a copy, and it arrived today!

In truth, I was a bit disappointed by the print quality of the illustrations. The illustrations are small, mostly 2" x 3.5", and Gorey's style does not translate well to this size. His trademark detail is largely lost in the reproduction, and the images are blotchy and hard to read.

Having said this, I still love the idea of Gorey illustrating this story. I would like to see a new edition with the same illustrations, but with heavier paper and printed larger - perhaps a full page image at the beginning of each chapter.

Letter R

I chose "Rats!" for R. My older daughter now exclaims "Rats!" or "Man's best friend!" when she is angry or disappointed. I guess it could be worse.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Letter Q

I used "Quotha!" for Q. Quotha is an antiquated interjection that you find in some of Shakespeare's plays. I couldn't find a cartoon character who actually said "Quotha," so I drew Shakespeare instead, as he appears in "A Witch's Tangled Hare." (Thanks, Nadia!)

Monday, October 01, 2007

Judge Takes Crack at Seuss-Style Egg Rhyme

My mother sent me this article. It reminds me somewhat of the Judge who signed a death warrant with a smiley-face in the early 1990s. Unfortunately I can't find a full article about the smiley-face incident; I only found a small reference in this article:

Other Texas judges have expressed outright disdain for rudimentary due process in death penalty cases. Judge William Harmon, a former prosecutor, during jury selection stated to the defendant that "[h]e was doing God's work to see that (the defendant) was executed."[52] The same judge taped a photograph of the "hanging saloon" of the infamous Texas judge, Roy Bean, in front of his bench in full view of the jurors. In making rulings during the trial, Harmon repeatedly referred to the conservative Texas Court of Criminal Appeals as "liberal bastards" and "idiots."[53] Another Texas judge, John Martin, set the execution date of a defendant on his clerk's birthday as a "present." Still another judge insisted on callously signing his death warrants with "smiley faces."[54]

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