Monday, October 01, 2007
Judge Takes Crack at Seuss-Style Egg Rhyme
My mother sent me this article. It reminds me somewhat of the Judge who signed a death warrant with a smiley-face in the early 1990s. Unfortunately I can't find a full article about the smiley-face incident; I only found a small reference in this article:
Other Texas judges have expressed outright disdain for rudimentary due process in death penalty cases. Judge William Harmon, a former prosecutor, during jury selection stated to the defendant that "[h]e was doing God's work to see that (the defendant) was executed."[52] The same judge taped a photograph of the "hanging saloon" of the infamous Texas judge, Roy Bean, in front of his bench in full view of the jurors. In making rulings during the trial, Harmon repeatedly referred to the conservative Texas Court of Criminal Appeals as "liberal bastards" and "idiots."[53] Another Texas judge, John Martin, set the execution date of a defendant on his clerk's birthday as a "present." Still another judge insisted on callously signing his death warrants with "smiley faces."[54]
My mother sent me this article. It reminds me somewhat of the Judge who signed a death warrant with a smiley-face in the early 1990s. Unfortunately I can't find a full article about the smiley-face incident; I only found a small reference in this article:
Other Texas judges have expressed outright disdain for rudimentary due process in death penalty cases. Judge William Harmon, a former prosecutor, during jury selection stated to the defendant that "[h]e was doing God's work to see that (the defendant) was executed."[52] The same judge taped a photograph of the "hanging saloon" of the infamous Texas judge, Roy Bean, in front of his bench in full view of the jurors. In making rulings during the trial, Harmon repeatedly referred to the conservative Texas Court of Criminal Appeals as "liberal bastards" and "idiots."[53] Another Texas judge, John Martin, set the execution date of a defendant on his clerk's birthday as a "present." Still another judge insisted on callously signing his death warrants with "smiley faces."[54]